
主流媒体叫他们“叛军” Rebellions in Mainstream Media-- Zapatista



这种浪漫兼具抗争性的生活哲学深深吸引了我。他们把环境与人都看成 “主体”, 人与人、人与石头、人与树木都是“主体”,主体之间要沟通(说,听,了解,尊重)。他们的语言里没有“财产”及“客体“,他们相信,政府及资本家对天然资源进行掠夺的同时,环境与人们的身体同时都受伤、流血。


A Mexican research student told me a lot about Zapatista Movement.He is always invited to give talks about this movement in the school. One thing he said impressed me : assuming that chairs are power, the politicians will use it to beat people, the civil society will try to sit on the chairs to discuss, but Zapatistas will cut the chairs into pieces.

These indigenous people believe that humans, songs, stones, and trees etc are all subjects. Intersubjective communication requires all subjects to "speak, listen, understand and respect each other."It is really attractive and romantic to some extent.Sometimes, I think we really need to learn how to live in harmony with Mother Nature from indigeous people who never talk about "pollution","finite resource"...etc.

When the oppressors use violence to oppress, the voiceless oppressed have no other choice but to resist and protect themselves with weapons.

However, Zapatista movement is pacific and non-violent. Although there was an armed uprising in 1994 to oppose social, political and historical injustice, they adopted unarmed and peaceful approach to promote their ideology.They are anti-capitalism, anti-neoliberalism, anti-globalization, etc. The Zapatista ideology of autonomy is unique.They see autonomy of the indigenous population as a solution to poverty ; they promote a kind of state within a state where peoples can keep their ways of government and communal way of life.

"The natural wealth that leaves these lands doesn't travel over just these three roads (leading to Chiapas). Chiapas is bled through thousands of veins: through oil ducts and gas ducts, over electric wires, by railroad cars, through bank accounts, by trucks and vans, by ships and planes...And what tribute does this land continue to pay to various empires? Oil, electric energy, cattle, money, bananas, honey, corn, cocoa, tobacco, sugar, soy...and Chiapan blood flows out through a thousand and one fangs sunk into the neck of southeastern Mexico." --Quoted from The Zapatista Movement

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