
复活节的疑问 New thinking on Easter




回到屋里,对希腊室友说:“复活节快乐”时,冷不防他一句:“我们的复活节在下个星期...”,“什么?”, “我们是ORTHODOX(东正教)。”我满脑子问号,他解释说是使用的日历不同,另外,他还说,犹太人是不庆祝复活节的,因为他们不相信基督复活(Resurrection)。

曾经有两个朋友说要送我《圣经》,其中一位借了漫画版《圣经故事》给我,虽然当时看得津津有味,不过,心里留下许多未解的疑惑。常常从新闻上读到宗教冲突,我会想, 全世界好像只有一本《圣经》,一本《可兰经》,但落到不同的人手里就有不同的诠释,大家在争什么?

I went to Earlham Church Centre with my flatmates on Easter. I was curious about how local people celebrate this festival. The church I visited is not the traditional catholic, it is Pentecostal. The pastor led the worship in a way I had never seen, he talked like...a politician. However, the atmosphere was peaceful and happily.Anthems were accompanied by band music. They also prayed for a follower who is going to smuggle Bible... ...

A female follower who just came back from Afghanistan shared her sad story. Seven christians were killed during her stay . Their eyes were even dug out!

When I went back to my flat, I said:"Happy Easter" to my Greek flatmate. By surprise, he replied:"We celebrate next week." "Why?" "We(most of the Greek)are Orthodox. Moreover, the Jewish(Judaism) don't celebrate Easter, because they don't believe in Resurrection of Jesus."

I read a comic version of bible story lend by a friend long time ago. Perhaps, I am too ignorant of religion, everytime when I read the news about the religious conflicts, one question always in my mind: there is only one Bible, one Quran in this world, but different people interpret and preach their faith in different way, why are they acting so harsh to each other ?#


Unknown said...

The Orthodox Church does celebrate Easter too. In fact, they celebrate Easter bigger than Christmas. That's the tradition of the Orthodox Church. The Jewish, of course, they don't celebrate Easter. Because they don't believe Jesus as the Messiah.

Christianity, as any religions, is not monolithic. You can read about it here.

There are differences, as well as similarities. But if we come back to the very reason of every religion; there's a message of upholding social justice there. Let's focus on this essence, not the skin!

Anonymous said...

dear, if you know the real messiah, you know more... and you will know why.