
穿迷你裙的女司机 The Female Bus Driver

上学途中,在巴士站与一位身穿深蓝色套装的妇女一起等候巴士。当时,她身上的迷你裙、高跟鞋,让人乍看之下,以为是某家航空公司的空服人员!巴士抵达时,她抢先排在我前头,所有乘客下车后,她便打开司机位的小门,与原有的男司机交谈几句后,便坐入司机位。原来是换班的女司机!我看傻了眼,才闭关在房里几天,巴士女司机就换了夏天制服,而且看起来那么专业... ... 抵达学校时,我偷偷瞄了一眼她的迷你裙,她还穿着一对黑丝袜呢!

The female bus driver was so impressive ! I was waiting for the bus when I saw her this morning. She was wearing a suit in deep blue with mini skirt, high heels, and black silk stockings! At the first glance, I did not realize that she is a bus driver, until she sat into the driver sit. She looked like a stewardess... ...so formal and professional in appearance!

1 comment:

KJ Lim said...

Same as here. They are very professional. I really impress to society here. Everything here is possible, as long as you ask. No one will make you down, in fact they will help to solve it out. I sincerely wish Malaysia can move forward to there no again "stuck" racism problems.