
我的咖喱角 My Currypuffs

交还本学期所有作文, 心血来潮,向朋友借了炸油锅和秤,跟着妈妈给的食谱做起咖喱角!妈妈要掉眼镜了,平时我在家里连她的面粉放在哪里都不知道,这回竟自己动手做这样高难度的食物!


妈妈说她的朋友的朋友的儿子先学了怎样做咖喱角,过来英国读书时,就是靠卖这种食物过活。还听说有同学学理男生头,来到英国帮男生剪头发都能存到钱。有一门手艺在身还是比较好,走遍天下都不怕饿死,高中毕业时,我也想过去学裁缝,最后,历史还是改写了, 呵呵。

I tried to make my favourite malay food -- currypuff. Really hard to imagine that I made currypuffs myself. I don't even know how to use my mum's kitchen scale and flour at home!

I was intend to make 24 currypuffs with the ingredients. After 3 hours, only 15 was made. The experiment was unsuccessful. Luckily those who tasted it said they are tasty!

My mum once told me that her friend's son earned pocket money by selling currypuffs when he was studying in the UK. It is really an advantage for a person to have special ability to make a living. I was also thinking of to be a tailor when I graduated from high school.


JJ, Round Round, Little Moon said...


Anonymous said...

I m foong wei.Xiao Xuan ex-uni- friend.The currypuffs really not good looking,but is quite tasty.I ate one yesterday,so trust me,thats can eat,haha!