
改变需要力量!! Join together to change!

最近, 我开始厌倦自己的生气和情绪化的“暴力倾向”,因为歧视无所不在。今天在医院,就连躺在病榻上的一个英国老奶奶,都有气没力地当着我的面,对我的英国同事说,因为我是外国人,所以她想往我吐一口痰。幸好,我的英国同事事后以对自己同胞的批判极力安慰我,或许她年老意识不清醒,我不跟她计较,不过,这也让我错愕了好一阵。





噢,大选还没有来临?但我想民主的意义并不局限在那五年一次的公式化、受操纵的投票结果。接下来,写信给你想教训的政府部门,告诉他们你不满什么,将他们的信箱塞满,不要仅仅依赖政党,政党固然有它的影响力,但也不是灵丹药。朋友们,停止悲情吧, 想点什么付诸行动吧!

Recently, I am sick of being angry and emotional anymore, discrimination is everywhere. Even in the hospital, the old British lady who is laying on the bed today told my colleague in front of me that she want to spit on me, just because I am a foreign worker. Fortunately, my colleague has consoled me with his own critics to his own nation.

Perhaps, the only difference between Malaysia and other countries is: our racial and religious discrimination policy is clearly written in our constitution, in development policies, everywhere.

We should not beg our government to give us fair and justice. Who is the "government"? Without the people, it means nothing. Who are the people? People are consist of different type of individuals, we must admit that a small groups of people must have benefited from unjust and injustice, so they will try everything to maintain status quo. Then majority of people who are suffering from these unjust and injustice should not endure furthermore, everybody has the responsibility for the stalemate nowadays, because they are giving acquiescence to the devil at the same time.

Join the NGOs... yes I know, most of the NGOs are not grass roots-oriented, organize your own initiative group with your friends if you like, make some noise, use the materials online, design and print your own flyers, even just distribute to your 50 neighbours, if you are familiar with any mamak stall or pirate VCDs stall, ask the owner to give you a space for your flyers.

And yes, election is not coming yet, but we should not only wait for the National Election. Next, fill government department's mailbox with letter of complaints. Do not merely rely on certain political parties, they can have their influence sometimes but not all the time... ...Let us stop mourning, let us think of something to do together.


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