
Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year ,everybody!!

What did you do on the last day of the year 2006?

In the morning, I joined the anti-toll hike protest in one of the highways in Kuala Lumpur.
In the afternoon, I bought four books from a bookshop which is full of Chinese books-- there are so many books that all the books are shelved together in every corner of the bookshop.

After that, I went to watch "Eragon" . I like the legend with magic, devils, and heroes, heroines. I like the story ended with all the devils and demons being killed. Just like "The Lord of the Ring". Perhaps, there are too many cruel, fierce, ferocious, barbarous, inhuman, savage, vicious (all the words I can find in the dictionary) things and people in the reality. How I wish I can practice magic!

Last year, last week, I worked day and night to meet the deadline of printing, it is time to get a good sleep in the first day of the new year.

I am so sorry that I am unable to keep my blog updated all these days, things have not been working very well in the last three months. I lost control of my own time and space.

Sometimes, I really feel that there are too many things to learn, but time is running out.

Anyway, what are your new year wishes?

For me, I hope I can always read more books, meet more people and learn new things.

Wish you good luck!!


Anonymous said...

happy new year.
傷城confession of pain﹐

Anonymous said...

新年新希望, 因為發現自己的怯弱, 所以希望在新的一年裡, 可以學會勇敢一點, 並不要那麼容易灰心喪氣. 大家一起加油吧!! ^^