
反对自由贸易协定 No-Free Trade Agreement with the US

惨了!大马与美国正在进行自由贸易协定谈判,发展中国家与发达国家签署进行自由贸易,往往是发展中国家吃大亏。课堂上讲师播放的电影讲述某加勒比海小国因美国入口的奶粉价格低于本国生产的鲜奶(美国政府给予美国农产品极高的津贴),导致牛奶供应商必须将数加仑的牛奶倒掉、养牛人忍痛杀掉奶牛,......小国将任大国宰割,人民的日子将越来越难过,当政府无法再保护人民的时候,人民必将要学习反抗了!我担心,当大多数人的日子越来越难过的时候,那一群精英兼利益集团会不会再次妖言惑众,把罪名套在向来自力更生的大马华人身上?政棍们! 悬崖勒马吧!

Bad news! Malaysia and the United States began their first round of talks on a bilateral FTA. From the experience of other FTA between developed and developing countries, Malaysian's livelihood will be badly affected by Free Trade Agreement eventually. When all the barriers to trade were taken away - in fact, all the protection to people livelihood was traded away by the government, people must stand up to fight back! There are too many "trade tragedies" in many poor and developing countries, people are suffering because of FTA. In some countries, fresh milk were thrown away because the imported milk powder subsidized by the US government is cheaper than local produced milk. I am worried about when people's livelihood was ruined, will those elites/interest groups going to blame on Chinese ethnic groups that always live independently in the country again? Whose faults?


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