The Third-round of the US-Malaysia FTA talks was held this morning. I went to join a protest organized by the Anti-Free Trade Alliance in front of the Sheraton Imperial Hotel.
I studied quite a number of cases regarding free trade agreements between the US and the developing countries like Mexico, Latin Americans, African countries,etc. These agreements have jeopardized jobs and deprived poor people of cheap, generic drugs.
I think at this moment, most of the Malaysians still unable to figure out the disadvantages and the impacts of the FTA. Despite the potential threats of the free trade agreement, I was told that the coalition has been trying to demand a talk or a dialog with the delegations of the Malaysian government, however,their request has been rejected again and again.
What Malaysian should now concern is :there is no CONSULTANCY and TRANSPARENCY in the process of decision-making, thus , there is no ACCOUNTABILITY in the agreement.
The delegations or negotiators should disclose the details of the talks. Why all this secrecy? What are they trying to hide from the public?
The US Congress has to approve FTAs negotiated by its Trade Representative before they can come into effect - and involve Parliament in the decision to sign the FTA. Would our Parliament ask for a white paper? A public hearing? A parliamentary debate? Or (set up) a parliamentary select committee to discuss the agreement?
Unfortunately, Parliament has been silent on the matter. There has no public participation with stakeholders. Can we hope for an open and fair discussion?
They should stop the talks now and talk to the people.
Do not trade our land, water, air, education, health, democracy away.
Do not trade our rights away.
Do not wait until it is too late.