
医院的厨房 Kitchen in the hospital







厨师为病人准备的都是英国食物,这五天下来,英国食物的名字我都快记熟了。昨天有LASAGNE, BROCOLLI and HERB QUICHE, 今天有BRAISED SAUSAGES 和 CHEESE TORTELLINI... ...



Today is the fifth day since I started to work in the hospital as a catering assistant. Still, I feel panic and stressful during the working hours. I am afraid that I might serve wrong food to patient who is only allowed to “soft diet”, “dysphagia soft” or “diabetes diet ”. In hospital, apart from desserts, main courses are all suitable for diabetic patients, I just need to inform the chef when the patient is soft diet or dysphagia.

Before that, I had been looking for a job that provides food, so that I do not have to spend too much on food. As a result, I’ve got the job in the kitchen of hospital. I really need to be aware of the different diets that patients have.Today, I nearly gave a roll to a patient who is on “dysphagia soft diet”. Nil By Mouth(NBM) is another type of patients who cannot eat anything.

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand when the patients are murmuring themselves. I felt sad when I saw an old lady kept asking us “Did you call my husband? … …”, these two days, she never touched the dinner.

Serving food, collecting trays, washing dishes, serving tea/coffee/hot chocolate, collecting cups, cleaning kitchen have become my daily work. Senior are nice and always tolerance, I always ask, “Am I too slow?”they always tell me : “Don’t panic, you are good.” , when I forgot something, they said, “Don’t worry, you will reach there one day.” They always call each other “sweetheart”, “dear”, “darling”, and “babe”, like a family. Maybe because hospital is a sensitive area, therefore, people are trying to create a happy working environment to avoid any unpleasant incidents.

This is also a good chance to make myself familiar with British food. I can now remember the names like Lasagne, Broccoli and Herb Quiche, Braised Sausages, Cheese Tortellini... ...

When I saw those patients who have no appetite to eat, and I have to throw the food away, the feeling is different from when I worked and threw away the food in the buffet restaurant. Suddenly, I realized that our health is so important.

I hope that my family and friends always be blessed with a happy and healthy life.


"Who is Afraid of the Last Communist?"

-- None of those who protested against this documentary has seen it.
-- It can even be screened in Singapore, but not in Malaysia, Why?
-- Writer/Director/Producer : Amir Muhammad
PG, 90minutes, Malay/Chinese dialects/Tamil with English subtitles

"... ... If anything, Chin Peng and the MCP should be remembered for what they were: partners in the collective attempt to free Malaya and Malayans from the yoke of British colonialism and Western imperialism. The British understood very well why the Malayan Communist Party was a threat to their own imperial and colonial interests, for the Communists were hardly allies who could be counted upon to defend the rights and privileges of the colonisers. Instead the British chose to support the liberal Malayan conservatives like Onn Jaafar who later created the Independence for Malaya Party (IMP) that was little more than a soft bulwark against the tide of growing anti-colonial sentiment spreading through the country and the region by extension.

During its heyday, the Malayan Communist Party was part of a greater international coalition that struggled against both colonialism and imperialism and which regarded Fascism as its greatest enemy. While the liberals and conservatives among our forefathers lay dormant, the Malayan Communists were the ones who stood up against both Japanese militarism, and following the Second World War, the attempt by the former colonial powers to reimpose their imperial rule in Asia. Were these 'sins' that they, and us, should be ashamed of?

To return to the original question posed at the beginning: If Amir Muhammad's film on Chin Peng is deemed as unfit or even dangerous for the Malaysian public, we need to ask ourselves whose interests are being served here? The Malaysian public that still has to learn the true extent of the commitment and sacrifice of all Malaysians from all races and all walks of life in the anti-colonial struggle? Or the interests of the conservatives among us who insist that theirs and theirs alone is the official account of Malaysian history that deserves to be told? One can understand how and why the British colonisers were adamant that the Malayan Communist Party should be destroyed and all traces of it wiped out. But why should the same skewered beliefs be held by the Malaysian political elite of today? " --- by Farish A Noor is a Malaysian political scientist and human rights activist, based at the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin. The above article was written for Eye Asia.


噪音 Noise

以前在中国读书的时候,每天晚上过了11点半,全栋宿舍都必须熄灯,每间房只能开桌灯。有时和学姐聊天聊得过瘾时,声音大了一点,隔壁房的澳门学生就会敲门、敲窗口:“烦麻小声一点!”。 再不然就是巡房的阿姨会来敲门:“好夜了,小声一点。”考试期间,如果有那一间房“炸机”(玩音响),就会被别的同学大声回应:“好吵啊!收声啦!!”



When I was studied in China, every night after 11pm, we were required to switch off our light in the room, only desk lamps were allowed. Sometimes, if we talked a bit louder in our room,
my Macau flatmates lived next door would come and knock at our door or window :"please keep your voice down." The accommodation officer who was patrolling would also say:"It is late now, keep your voice down." During the examination, whenever somebody tried to play her Hi-fi,there must be somebody else shouted:"it is too noisy, turn it off!!!"

In the UK, I am having a different experience with international students. During the midnight, when it is time to sleep for me, they begin their dinner. Last month, when I was stuck at my essay and deadline was approaching, they were having party in the kitchen. They are all friendly and helpful friends, but I cannot find a proper reason to explain why they cannot realize there are residents in this flat who need to sleep, and it seems that they didn't realize they have awaken somebody else in the midnight. Some of my Asian friends are also facing the similiar dilemma.

Now, whenever there is music that I don't know how to appreciate playing "on air", I will use my ear plug to avoid it, sometimes, if it covered the music in my room and disturbed my work, I will speak out. In this environment that requires self-discipline, ironically, I begin to miss those days with lots of rules and regulations. Perhaps, cultural is something that rooted internally, we need more rather than negotiation when there is cultural clash.


Whose feelings hurt?

2006-03-31 19:32:12 MYT
By Tay Tian Yan Sin Chew Daily

To be frank, I deeply understand Loh Seng Kok's grief at this moment.

A few nights ago, about 50 well-built men dashed into the MP's service centre, throwing behind a letter, saying, "We do not want to listen to your explanations. This is our letter. Reply us after reading it."

This group of people also threatened that if Loh did not reply within a few days, he would have to face some "action."

What happened there shocked the centre's staff and everyone around it.

I have to make it very clear that, as what I know, these people are not gangsters; neither are they running for loansharks, although what they did would have given people such an impression.

It is learned that they are from Kelana Jaya UMNO Youth, fellow BN members from Loh's constituency. Of course, everyone knows that Loh is MCA's elected representative for this constituency.

What has Loh Seng Kok done that his BN "partners" should come after him, and issue him an ultimatum? Has he failed his voters? Or something has gone wrong with his job or morality?

Not quite!

The problem is that Loh has said something, which has over the past 50 years been swept under the carpet in the name of "sensitivity." His words have cautioned some people, making them feel embarrassed and irritated.

But at least to me, what he said was the content of his heart.

While commending the government's many achievements in his speech at Dewan Rakyat, he also expressed many of his feelings during his two-decade political life, as well as some propositions.

He said the country's history textbooks had largely overlooked the contributions made by non-bumiputras. For instance, on the resistance against the Japanese occupation, he said history textbooks only touched on the resistance put up by the Malays, and fell short of mentioning the resistance put up by the Chinese and Indian communities here. On top of that, the textbooks only emphasised Malay culture and Islamic civilisation but not the culture and civilisation of other ethnic groups.

He also mentioned the dilemma faced by non-Muslims in this country. He said Buddhists, Christians, Catholics and Taoists not only lacked places of worship, they also had to come to terms with situations such as demolition of places of worship and revocation of worship licences. He suggested that the Government establish a cross-religious agency to help resolve these problems.

As for a prayer guideline issued by the Islamic Development Authority to be implemented on all official and semi-official functions, he said prior consultation had not been sought with representatives from other religions, violating the country's multicultural and multireligious principles.

I do not have to quote further. I only want to say that all these are truths, which we all have been familiar with. As a Barisan MP, Loh was only expressing the views of his constituents by telling the truth in the Parliament.

I dare say that over the past few years, among the so many debate speeches by Barisan MPs in the Parliament, his was among the very few which are of some value and ought to be taken seriously.

However, Loh was straightaway warned by UMNO MPs for his speech, and later challenged by UMNO Youth members from his very own constituency. They claimed that Loh had "hurt the feelings of the Malays."

But who have been hurt if all that he said was the unfair treatment and dilemma slapped onto the country's Chinese community? Who can really represent the Malays? The infuriated Mohd Aziz who served him the warning in the Parliament? Or Abdul Halim who led some 50 people to storm his service centre? Or rather the multitude of unnamed Malays who accept that Malaysia is a multicultural society, and who respect various religions, values and historical facts?

While the entire world is beginning to accept openness, tolerance, justice and democracy as key values, why is such a group of narrow-minded people allowed to continue bewildering the public and corrupting our systems?

The Barisan structure has been in existence for decades, but where is the space for consultation among the component parties? A rational and objective reasoning in the Parliament is not accepted and tolerated. If BN leaders allow such malicious suppression to go on, that would be the regression of BN mechanism, and the submergence of the country's multicultural values.

I was thinking, if the ultimatum issued to Loh were not appropriately dealt with, that would not only be his grief, but that of the entire nation too.


从水务法案危机上一堂课 Lessons from Water Bills Crisis


国际贸易与工业部长拉菲达在世贸组织签署了一份内容不详、但极有可能让跨国财团控制我国资源的《服 务贸易总协定》,而能源、水务与通讯部长林敬益却在国内安抚大家说:“水供绝对不会落到跨国集团手里。”国会如今已通过水务业法案二读,大家将眼睁睁看着 他们如何让国家对资源的掌控权陷入危机。

今天,大家要记得这些将公共资源私营化、将商业利益置于人民权益之上、拥抱新自由主义经济制度的 “亡国部长”,他们公然让属于全民的天然资源成为商品及一小撮人赚钱的工具,并且毫无意图白纸黑字写下水供只能由国家继续控制的条款,这绝对是让跨国集团 可能控制我国水源的裂口。

让各州水供私营化,让每个生命赖以为生的水源成为可以买卖的商品,已是一次遗祸无穷的“掠夺”,因为连首相阿都拉 巴达威也默许公共工程无需公开投标,已经暗示人民谁将是公共领域私营化的真正获益者。但看水供公司如今竟有权在用户不缴水费后切断水供,而缴付水费的消费 者却别无选择、必须继续购买不清洁的自来水,还要自掏腰包装置上千元的过滤器,清洁的水已经成为一种奢侈品。

垄断是让人民“别无选择”的根 源,人民根本无权选择让谁管理公共水源、无权选择使用更加廉价和清洁的水,也无权选择到住家附近的河里汲水,因为河流已经在现代化及工业化的过程中被污 染,而修复河流的费用往往是像我国这样的政府极度不愿意投入的亏本生意。更可怜的是,五年一度的选举,让我们选出一些只会用双手遮住眼睛、蒙住双耳、捂住 嘴巴的所谓“人民代表”,然后还要听像林敬益这位资深部长的抱怨及反问:“如果由政府接管水务,州水务公司清盘了,接管的国家水务局该怎么做?”



私 营化是新自由主义经济政策中最直接影响民生问题的一环,追根究底,新自由主义是资本主义发展中,资本继续累积、扩张的表现,倡议者相信:国家必须最低限度 的管制、最高度的开放市场,无管制的自由市场能促进自由及公平的竞争,进而取得经济发展。因此,私营化最初的理想是通过竞争提高服务效率,其另一层涵义就 是将公共资源(如:水源、石油、教育、医院)商品化,然而,实践起来,水供私营化在世界各地都引发民怨,无论是发展中国家或是先进国,都面对私人公司通过 非法手段获取水供合约、为谋利减低营运费、水源污染、水价高涨等问题。

世界银行、国际货币基金组织及世界贸易组织可说是新自由主义经济的推 销员。这个中心思想完全在世行“拯救贫穷计划”的借贷条件――“结构调整政策”的10大策略有迹可寻,除了私营化,还包括货币自由浮动、贸易自由化、削减 政府在卫生及教育的开销、确保私有产权、 让外资自由进出、解除环境保护等不利投资者的管制。

要知道新自由主义经济理论引发的矛盾及问题, 我们必须将视野放到西半球。追溯回1970年代,美国为了抑制国内通膨,不惜提高利息,拖累了拉丁美洲国家,这些国家的债务当时一翻12倍;至今,拉美各 国连利息都未还清。拉丁美洲各国做为新自由主义的实验厂,在结构调整政策中,饱受贷款国通过借贷条件强加于他们身上的经济政策,换来的是贫富悬殊、高通 膨、高失业率、天然资源落入跨国公司手里,环境被破坏,政府做为人民赋予权力管理公共财产及分配公共资源的角色被削弱,弱势群体继续处于劣势。

有 人认为:“既然本国公司做不好,交给外国人去管算了!”新自由主义一系列政策是资本主义发展的资本累积及扩张方式,这是一种新式的掠夺,在其驱动下的全球 化,就是跨国财团如何趁着各国政府(自愿或被迫)削弱工会组织力量、放松环境、企业管制后,强占别人的土地、生存环境。认清所谓“全球500强企业”不是 创造就业机会,而是迫使更多人交出赖以为存的土地、出卖劳力-被剥削的机会。

受国内法律约束的私化营公司都可以为所欲为,我们如何确保在被 迫开放水供给外国企业财团后,不会任人宰割?跨国财团凌驾国家法律的事情已经上演,墨西哥签署北美自由贸易协定后,它的一个省份在2001年因制订了保护 当地人民的环境管制条约,遭到一家跨国财团以“妨碍投资”为名起诉而必须赔偿九千万美元!


从 个人到社会、从社会到国家、从国家到全球,每个人类单位的文明起步及社会发展从一开始步伐就不一样,公平竞争的自由市场根本不可能实现,也不可能保障以出 卖劳动换取生活必需品的人民的权益。诺贝尔奖得主、世界银行前经济学家史蒂利兹已指出:“一波又一波的金融风波正是无管制竞争市场的结果。”因此,“政 府”做为唯一受人民委托来管理社会及公共资源的单位,在资源分配的工作上必须负起更大的责任,简单地说:“选你出来,该管的你不管,选举制度要来做什 么?”

资本主义发展史上,通过掠夺进行的资本累积必将遭遇受压迫人民的反抗。30多年前,新自由主义经济理论在世界银行及国际货币基金组织 的“灌溉”下已经结出恶果,腐败的私营化政策、自由贸易、开放外资、加上国家负债累累,拉丁美洲老百姓生活素质每况愈下,最终换来1990年代开始的醒 觉。它们的人民及国家领袖正在做出反抗。最近,委内瑞拉、波利维亚及古巴 联合签署了“美洲玻利瓦尔替代方案 (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, ALBA) ”以及 “人民贸易协定 (People’s Trade Agreement, TPC) ”,以抗衡由美国主导的“北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)”。除了委内瑞拉总统查韦斯公然挑战美国的霸权,波利维亚新任总统莫拉莱斯上任后既制定新法重夺 该国对石油及天然气控制权,并派军驻守油库。

1999年国际上著名的“西雅图反世贸、反(企业)全球化活动”,及那之后的“世界社会论坛” 见证了弱势群体站在国际舞台上企图打破“自由市场”能解救贫穷的神话。拉丁美洲各国与北美经济、政治的千丝万缕短期内固然不能完全切断,但行动上至少敲一 敲那些推行新自由主义经济的脑袋:“嘿,你那一套害了我们三代人,我们现在要走自己的路!”现阶段,拉美各国正努力从跨国财团手中索回国家对天然资源的主 权。

国内,我们只见林敬益不断地口头上保证绝不将水源控制权交出给外国公司,却不见任何将这个承诺列入法案的行动。拉菲达呢?只有天晓得她 在国际谈判桌上签下什么文件,我们凭什么相信这位连汽车入口准证问题都左躲右闪的部长能保障我们的权益?这些掌控多数资源的少数精英可以继续利用代议士民 主无法询问每一个人的缺陷、通过践踏人民的血汗及眼泪,将手段当成目的,继续保障自己拥有的一切。

从内阁部长及在朝议员无人过问水源控制权 的问题看来,1998年勇敢对国际货币基金组织说不的大马政府,为保利益集团袋袋平安,政府仍热衷于私营化,如今不惜弃守水源控制权,无知也罢,无能也 罢,伴随近50年的政治、经济的垄断,遗害万年的种族论,人民现在还不恼火,还不行动阻止,难道还要另一个30年换取醒觉及反抗?


Recently, Minister for International Trade Rafidah Aziz has signed the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), people are worried that water industry would fall into the hands of foreigners. At the same time, Energy, Water and Communications Minister Dr Lim Keng Yaik has been trying to ensure verbally that the bills would not pose a threat to the nation’s sovereignty. However, the disputable Water Services Industry Bill (WSI) and the National Water Services Commission (Span) Bill were eventually passed in the Dewan Rakyat, we had witnessed how our government put the nation’s sovereignty of our natural resources in a critical position.

We must not forget how these ministers tried to privatize our public resources; they embrace neo-liberalism economic and allow the commercial profit come before people’s interest. Public natural resources have turned into commercial goods, and now, they have no intention of writing down any provision to retain water management under government authority in the water bills.

Water is our basic needs. The water privatization and commercialization in every state is a form of dispossession. When our PM gave his consent to the award of public construction contracts without open tender, it is patently obvious that who benefits from the privatization of public goods. Today, the private water companies have the right to terminate the water supply if consumers fail to pay their water bill, but consumers have no choice when they are supplied with unclean water, they even have to pay their own bill to install water filters, in that way, clean water has become luxury goods.

Monopoly leaves people without choices. We cannot choose people who manage our water supply, we have no other choices to access to clean and safe water. We cannot bail water from the river nearby our house as well because it has been polluted in the process of the modernization and industrialization. The cost of rehabilitating the polluted rivers is always uneconomical for our government which only cares about the profit from every project. Meanwhile, we have to suffer to the nagging of the people’s representatives like our senior Minister Lim Keng Yaik: if government takes over the water, state water companies have to wind up, how should National Water Services Commission do?

In addition, what are the contents of the GATS? Have they ever explain to the people in the country that might be affected before they sign any international trade agreements?

In neo-liberalism economic policies, privatization affects directly the livelihood of the people at most. Neo-liberalism manifests itself through the expansion and accumulation of capital in capitalism. Neo-liberalism is an economic ideology which promotes minimizing the intervention of government, and maximizing the liberalization of free market. Advocates believe that unregulated free market can accelerate free and fair competition, a country can achieve its economic growth in the end. Therefore, the initial ideal of privatization is to improve the effectiveness of the public services, in the other words, to commercialize the public goods such as water, oil, education and hospital. Unfortunately, in practice, water privatization has caused the resentment from people all over the world in both developed and developing countries. The problems that often arise include the illegal and a lack of transparency in awarding the water contract, cutting down the cost of maintenances, water pollution and rising water tariff.

World Bank(WB) , International Monetary Fund (IMF ) and World Trade Organization (WTO) can be seen as the sale-representatives of neo-liberalism. We can trace the main ideas of neo-liberalism in strategies of the Structure Adjustment Programme (SAPs)- a series of programs to eliminate poverty, which include trade liberalization, cutting down public expenditure, financial liberalization, protection on property rights, liberalization of foreign direct investment and deregulation on social protection.

To study the contradictories and inconsistencies in neo-liberalism economic policies, we have to take a look at the Latin Americas(LAs) countries. Back in the 1970s, the US increased its interest rates to address the problems of inflation and to improve their competitiveness; LAs were burdened with huge debts since then. Under the SAPs imposed by the donor countries, LAs have been suffering from wide huge gap between the rich and the poor, high inflation rate, high unemployment rate, natural resources controlled by foreign companies, environment degradation, the nation’s sovereignty has been weakened.

Some people say: “I would rather buy clean water from foreign companies!” Neo-liberalism is the way of capital accumulation and expansion in the development of capitalism, this is a new form of dispossession. Globalization driven by this trend is substantially giving a chance to multinational companies to occupy common lands and people livelihoods after the countries were forced to weaken their workers’ unions, and abolishing regulations formulated for environmental reasons. The so-called “global 500 corporations” are not providing job opportunities but forcing the powerless to give up their lands, on which they depend - means of existence- and live upon selling their labour- to be exploited.

Even the local private companies had failed in abiding our national laws and regulations, how do we ensure the benefits of the commons if we are forced to liberalize our water industry to foreign company? There are a lot of examples where multinational companies superseded a country’s legislative. For instance, in 2001, one of the provinces in Mexico was ordered to compensate 90million dollars to a multinational company under the conviction of “expropriating” its investment because the local government has regulated some environmental laws to protect local people.

From an individual, a society, a country, to global, there are big differences between every society and the process of development, it is impractical to push fair competition in every society, it is also impossible to ensure the rights of people to access to their basic needs through free market. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz has already pointed out that unregulated markets competition is the cause of financial crisis. Therefore, governments have great responsibilities in managing and distributing public assets and social resources. In a nutshell: “if you are reluctant to bear these responsibilities, what’s the purpose of electoral system? ”

In capitalism, enclosure and accumulation by dispossession is a process of unifying the oppressed. Three decades ago, the neo-liberalism imposed by the WB and IMF has brought numerous evil consequences such as corruption in privatization, heavy debts and the low quality of standard of living. Those nations began to resist in the 1990s. Recently, Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba signed Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas(ALBA ) and People’s Trade Agreement(TPC). The president of Venezuela has criticized the US publicly, the new president of Bolivia Mr.Morales wanted to renegotiate of existing contracts on terms that would provide a greater share of the revenues for the state.

During 1999, there were anti-IMF and anti-globalization(anti-corporation) movements in Seattle, NGOs that gathered at World Social Forum was trying to make a clear voice that the free market cannot eliminate poverty.

Back to Malaysia, there is no action to amend the water bill, making it easier for foreigners to enter and take over the water sector. Only god knows what sort of agreement had been signed by Rafidah in trade negotiation, how do we believe a minister like her- still remains tight-lipped on APs scandal- can safeguard people’s rights and interests?

No member of parliament shows their concern about the control of our water, our government that have bravely rejected the conditional aid provided by IMF in 1998, nowadays have gave up their rights of controlling our resources in order to protect their cronies. If we still ignorant to the 50 years of political and economical dominance, and racism, are we going to endure for another 30 years ?

However, it is important to notice that we still stand the chance to change, we need to learn to challenge and resist, because it is a trend now, there are anti-neoliberalism and anti-globalization movements all over the world. It is still early to say that countries in LAs will not succeed, because nothing is changed overnight.



Notes on the trip to Exeter

Date: 29April 2006- 3 May 2006
Distance: about 370miles from Norwich
Travel Partners: Amy, Maimai

Travel Route:
29 Apr > Norwich-Exeter city centre(Amy's hometown)

30 Apr> Exeter city centre- city wall which witnessed the history of War history of Exeter- Cathedral is the most beautiful Ghothic work in England-Guildhall built at 80 A.D.-Blossom in University of Exeter-Sunday Roast for dinner-Exe River-Historic Quayside-Swimming Swans

1 May > Crediton-Hartland Point with wrecked ship and light house -Hartland Quay with rocky beach and cliffs-seagulls- remains of iron mines in the stones- CreamTea(Scones+strawberry jam& clotted cream+ tea) in a farmhouse -sheep pastures along the road- Mother Amy cooked us stir-fry tofu, shrimps with noodles for dinner,Yummy!!

2 May> Dartmoor National Reserve with ancient hut circle, moss, unique ecology, postbridge(just like the scenery in "The Lord of the Ring")- 200++ years old prison- chimney for mining activities before steam machines were invented-sent new friend Lucy to Dawlish- a lot of leisure ships at the estuary of Teignmouth and red sandy beach, lovely thatched houses -I saw Malaysia's National Car Kancil here! - Dinner at chinese restaurant( After few days of food without rice, we began to miss Asian food!! )

3 May> Passed prehistoric Stonehenge - Norwich