
自由贸易攸关各族人民权益 We should question the FTA

此文已于2006年11月16日刊登于(This artible has been published in )《独立新闻在线》http://www.merdekareview.com/news.php?n=2970










非洲各国、泰国、印尼人民都反对他们的政府与美国签署自由贸易协定。美国是经济强国,但不代表和它进行自由贸易就能飞黄腾达。笔者对一部影片记忆犹新:加勒比海小国因美国入口的奶粉价格低于本国生产的鲜奶(美国政府给予美国农产品极高的津贴),导致牛奶供应商必须将数加仑的牛奶倒掉、养牛人忍痛杀掉奶牛… …




非政府组织及在野党组成的“反自由贸易联盟”,数度要求会见我国国际贸工部长拉菲达,表达本身对马美自由贸易协定的担忧。不料,却遭对方冷冷一封信:“我们知道你们要说什么,我们知道自己在做什么… …“回拒。





The third round of the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement talks is over. On 30 Oct 2007 morning, more than 100 activists gathered in front of the Imperial Hotel, where the talks were held, they went there to protest and demonstrate. However, their voice has not been heard by people in others part of the country.

One of our Chinese Press, only the Orientaldaily reported the news, and generously published them in colour, but they described the protesters as “extremists”. I cannot help thinking that our guardians of information that are so indifferent to FTA, do they care about the whole process? Do they know anything about it?

Generally speaking, Free Trade Agreement means contract between two or more than two nations or economies that is aimed to remove protective customs tariffs, and to encourage free flow of goods and services between the parties. In this article, multilateral free trade is not in the process of discussions, we will only have the choice of facing the implications of the controversial Malaysia-US free trade.

It is believed that FTA Malaysia-US will lead to the abolishment of some protective policies in a local market. One of the Malay intellectuals wrote, people who anti-FTA are “conservative politicians”. For Chinese-Malaysians, some of them are welcoming the US power to enter our local market so that those Malay preferential policies will be redressed.

It is very sad to see our racial politics moving into such direction. All kind of privileges, special rights have permeated into the life of one side. On the other side, they hope to see the abolishment of protective policies through the FTA, this is the resentment stems from the groups which have long systematically marginalized by the government, they still hope for equal opportunities after a long time of self-dependency.

Actually, people from all walk of life including electrical, textile, service, and medical industries, farmers, finance etc, ( long as these people are selling their labour in exchange for satisfaction of their basic needs) they all need to question the content of the FTA negotiations. However, various groups who support or oppose FTA are measuring the interest of their ethnic groups, therefore, if the agreement comes into effect, they have to pay the price for any consequences of the FTA negotiations.

People in Africa, Thailand, and Indonesia are opposing their governments in signing FTA with the US. US is an economically powerful state, but it does not mean that whoever established a free trade agreement can be as powerful as it is. I still remember a documentary about FTA between a Caribbean country and the US, a creamery supplier poured all his fresh milk, and the ranchers have to slaughter their milk cows. All these things happened due to the low price milk powder imported from the US, as the US gives a far higher subsidy to their farmers until they can produce milk powder in a lower cost.

When the economically developed countries seek to sign FTA with developing countries, it means forcing developing countries to liberalize their market. Due to a lack of capital and technologies, local businesses and private sectors will find it hard to compete with transnational corporations (TNCs). If these small manufacturing enterprises, contractors collapse, unemployment rate as well as the gap between the rich and the poor will increase. When the government loosens investment regulations, the capitalists will continue to expand and accumulate their capital again in the corrupt developing countries .

Free Trade also makes a mockery of democracy. In many countries, even the elected parliamentarians are unable to overthrow the decisions taken prior to signature of FTA. Some of the governments were charged by TNCs when they were trying to regulate some laws to protect the interest of their disadvantages groups. Any government measures that affect the expected future profits of the US companies have in previous FTAs been counted as constituting “expropriation” and thus the government is liable to pay compensation for the losses.

Many lessons can be learnt from countries like Canada, Australia, Mexico, FTA trades away people’s rights and benefits!

The anti-FTA Alliance consists of NGOs and opposition parties. When they wrote to Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and asked for a talk with Rafidah, the ministry rejected them with a letter telling that they know what they are doing.

In Malaysia, many documents which are affecting people are official secrets, including the highway concession contracts. This time, the FTA talks began in June 2006, but they disclosed nothing about the contents of the talks. It is important to know that in the process of negotiation, the Malaysian delegates and the US have to sign an agreement to keep the talks as confidential. We want to ask, what kind of contract are you going to sign? How do we trust you in deciding the fate of 2.7million people in this country?

The FTA talks will be continued. It seems like our nations are too busy with snatching thieves, inflation, it is unlikely to draw attention of the people. Crucially, according to our constitution, the cabinet can endorse the FTA without the consent of parliament. It is crucial for us to ask our ministers, without public participation and consultation, on what ground for the ministers to decide our future?

At least, we should ask for transparency. MITI should not be bound by any kind of the US agreement. They should report to the public and seeking further opinions after every round of talks. Even the US delegates have to report to their business representatives, how can we hide our documents?

We have to scrutinize every aspects of the free trade dominated by developed countries such as the US, Japan, EU. It is important to know: who defines the trade? What are the conditions? If not, we will have to pay the price of pursuing it.

(The fourth round of the Malaysia-US FTA talks will be held at 8-12 Jan 2007)
