
有朋自远方来 Friend from Manchester

师妹工作两年后环游世界,路经陋屋,驻留二日,不亦乐乎。她带我尝了Norwich马来西亚餐馆的自助餐及JBWhetherspoon的Fish n Chips。

The happiest thing after I finished my essays perhaps is the arrival of my ex-university junior two days ago. She is travelling around the world after she quitted her job in Manchester. We went to the Malaysian Delight Restaurant to enjoy the delicious buffet lunch. The next day, we ordered Fish n Chips for our lunch in the JBWhetherspoon restaurant.
It was a sunny Good Friday, some of the trees are in blossom, the old Norwich Cathedral looks magnificent under the blue sky. It had been a place of Christian worship for over 900 years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

喂! 谢谢增加我的名字在您的链接。我希望这翻译牌子感觉。